Go Forward Fitness and founder Dana Alimena have partnered with Doylestown Rugby to create a winter, pre-season training program tailored for rugby players. Dana is an alumni of the Doyletown Rugby program and is currently under contract playing in Spain. In addition to her pursuit of a rugby career, she is expanding Go Forward Fitness and also offers personalized rugby training.
The program that Dana has developed for us is a combination of strength movements, agility, and cardio. The program has been customized for DRFC and is specific for rugby players. The program is free for our players, although, for maximum effectiveness it is highly recommended that you purchase resistance bands that are used for many of the strength movements. Download the PDF program below.
A set of resistance bands, either with handles or without handles, run from $25 to $35 on Amazon.
- Check out the Go Forward Fitness web page at:
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- Tag Follow Go Forward Fitness on Instagram @goforwardstrong

Doylestown RFC
3650 Cold Spring Creamery Rd
Doylestown, PA 18902