U14 Boys Team | (5th - 7th)

Click the green bar below on the left, 2024 Rugby PA Registration, to register as a player for the 2024 season through Rugby PA. In the registration players will be permitted to register for teams based on their age.

- Select Youth Rugby for Youth Rugby  - 5th to 7th Grade (U-13)

Then, click on the green bar below on the right, TeamSnap (Communication) U14 Boy's Team, to register for TeamSnap. This is our communication platform which will have our practices, games, locations, and all team communication.


We are working on a new registration process. It will be live soon. If there are questions, just show up to practice ready to train and we will get the paperwork sorted.



Interested in playing U14 Rugby?

  • The U14 Team is for players who are under 14 years of age by September 1st
  • Contact mccandless2m@gmail.com for any information
  • New players always welcomed!


All practice information is found on TeamSnap. It will also be found below.

January – February Practice (Sundays)

Starting Sunday 1/12/25 – time and location - TBD

(If the weather permits – we will move the Sunday practice outside at the Rugby Field)


Tuesday & Thursday 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the rugby field

April – May

Wednesday & Thursday 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the rugby field

Games are typically played on Sunday.  Games begin Sunday early March and continue up to Memorial Day Weekend.

If you have a friend that would like check out rugby, bring them to practice. They can participate in a couple training sessions prior to registration.

Skills developed in rugby include:

  • Vision - Tackling
  • Decision Making - Ball Handling
  • Teamwork - Running
  • Confidence in Contact - Punting & Place Kicking
  • Speed, Strength & Endurance






No games/events

Showing 1 to 0 of 0 entries



2021 Pennsylvania Youth Champions
2019 Pennsylvania Youth Champions
2018 Pennsylvania Youth Champions
2016 Pennsylvania Youth Champions
2012 Pennsylvania Youth Champions

2017 Pennsylvania Youth 7s Champions
2016 Pennsylvania Youth 7s Champions
2014 Pennsylvania Youth 7s Champions


Dragon Award -This award is presented to players who lead the team, put forth a consistent effort, and show skills improvement each game. This year's Dragon Awards go to Jackson Reilly and Jamie Weir. Both Jackson and Jamie are generational Dragons and bring a maturity to the Youth team that most players take years to hone. Both of them have tremendous rugby IQ and will go far in rugby.

Best Back Award is presented to Aaron Kelly. Aaron was one of the team captains and the most veteran player on the team. He played through a back injury leading the team to a State Championship.

Best Forward Award is presented to Joey Craig. Joey showed us all we needed to see and scored the most tries of any player in the youth league.

Garry Smith Award is presented to the player who, as deemed by the coaching staff, as the most improved player over the season. Our winner this year is Matt White. Matt started his rugby career the year Covid hit and was only able to play in one game. He kept the fire in him over quarantine and came back for the 2021 season. He shows up ready to give his all in practice and showed the coaches how much he wants to be a Dragon!


Needed Gear:

Cleats- soccer ones are best, cleats cannot have a front toe spike/pick, Mouthguard, and for COVID times personal water bottle labeled with player name.

Below are suppliers of rugby gear and equipment. DRFC has no relations with any of these vendors and provides this information for your convenience.

Local Source: (Odd hours please call before going to the shop)
Striker Soccer Supplies
161 W State St, Doylestown, PA 18901
Phone: (215) 348-9400

Online Sources:
Rugby Imports
Matt Godek Rugby Supply
Word Rugby Shop

Parent page

Postional Lineup

This page is designed to provide pertinent information about rugby and our club to the parents of our players


A Letter to Parents

Health & Safety

At the Doylestown JR RFC the heath and safety of our players is a primary concern. Although we believe rugby can be played in a safe and fun environment, it is a contact sport and we do want to work together with players and parents to minimize injuries and lasting effects of injuries. The first thing we ask of all players and parents is to report any injuries to their coach, regardless of severity or where there they occurred.

  • Injuries
    • Concussion: Here is a link for a fact sheet on concussions from the CDC including symptoms of a concussion that parents can observe. Please download and review - Download
    • Returning to Play - We will work with parents and their medical professionals to determine when a player can return to play following an injury
  • Trainers
    • We will have an experienced athletic trainer at all our home matches.

Article - Is Rugby Safe

Parent Resource

  • Rugby Position Guide - Link
  • Preseason Conditioning for Players:  Strength training drills for young rugby players
  • by Dan Cottrell
  • The advice from most strength and conditioning coaches is that players should not start lifting weights until 16 at the earliest and even then it depends on their individual physical maturity. However, there is plenty that young players can do during your team's training drills to improve their strength and to learn the correct techniques for when they do start lifting weights.Core Strength :The one area young players should really try and develop is their core strength. This is a very important area of strength conditioning. These rugby training drills will help develop core strength in your players.

    The “Bridge”: The simplest training drill is the “bridge”, where a player holds a press up the shape, but has their weight on their elbows, not hands. They must hold this position for as long as possible.

    Circuits: Bodyweight circuits can be used as an alternative to the gym. Ensure players perform all the drills with good technique; keep the number of repetitions low (5 – 10) to start with and increase gradually. Remember to include squats, lunges, crunches, vertical jumps, squat thrusts, ruck pad drives over two to five meters, press-ups (on knees if necessary), sit-ups, and step-ups.

    Wrestling training drills: Ball wrestle – Two players wrestle to rip a ball off each other. Encourage the players to keep their feet still and use their upper body strength.

    Seated wrestle – Two players sit back to back with their legs straight out in front of them. They link arms. On your call of “LEFT” or “RIGHT”, they try to pull their opponent over to that side.

    Wrestle on knees – Two players sit back to back with their legs straight out in front of them. On your signal they get to their knees, turn to face each other, and wrestle, trying to pin their opponent’s shoulders on the ground.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Doylestown Junior Rugby Club is a "Not for Profit" organization with a volunteer coaching staff serving over 100 young athletes. The club also depends on help from parents to help the club in many ways including:

  • Fundraising
  • Event Coordinators
  • Game Day Cooking
  • Video Taping of Games


As a community sports organization, players, parents, coaches, and sponsors support most of our expenses.  In the past, we have had sponsors fund equipment and jerseys or provide a service or the general fund.   Each season new needs arise and new ways to support the team present themselves including:

  • Team Jersey Sponsor
  • Kit Bag
  • Web Site Sponsors


Here are links to articles and web sites with other relevant information to parents

How Rugby Makes Better Football Players



Interested in becoming a sponsor of Doylestown RFC?