DRFC Men Match Summaries vs. Lancaster 4/11/2015

B-Side /Old Boys turned out to be a success even though we had a to file a Missing Persons Report in search of Doylestown Old Boys. We had 6 Old Boys with 2 being men’s club coaches. Lancaster had about 25 Old Boys. Thanks to the Old Boys who did play but that is just not enough to represent the Ancient Dragons. We played well though and our young B-Side mixed well with the experience of the Old Boys. We faced a half time deficit due in part to heavy wind and mild slope in the same direction. We stormed back to take the lead twice. Our last lead was with 5 minutes left but credit to Lancaster as they put in a strong attack at the death to steal the victory.
We are at Richmond next Saturday for first round of playoffs. I know we will be successful if we all get to practice this week and we all travel to Richmond. Coach McCandless said to me after the match, “I think all of our silly mistakes are the result of us not practicing enough together and not conditioning enough together.” See you Tuesday to start fixing our silly mistakes.
Final: 24-5
Halftime: 19-0
Scoring Summary: 19-0, 19-5, 24-5
Try Scorers:
Kevin Hockings (2)
Peter Tantillo (2)
Mike Weir
Kiel Eckoff
Lancaster had one unconverted try
Man of the Match:
Max Campo
B-Side/Old Boys:
Final: 20-26
Halftime: 0-12
Scoring Summary: 0-14, 17-14, 17-19, 20-19, 20-26
Try Scorers:
Kiel Eckoff
Tony Mignona
Will Bone
Will Bone
Kiel Eckoff
Penalty Kicks:
Kiel Eckoff
Man of the Match:
Lancaster had 4 trys and 3 conversions.