Doylestown Rugby Football Club News – September 30, 2024

Men’s Team

On September 28, 2024, the Doylestown Rugby Club Men’s Team hosted the South Jersey Devils in their league home opener. The weather was around 70 degrees and raining, so the Dragons knew that speed and agility would be a luxury. The forwards, and close ball play, would be necessary to secure the victory.

During the first half, both teams were working on their footing. The first points went to Doylestown when Kevin Reilly, III, scored a try approximately 22 minutes into the match. Fionn O’Toole connected with the conversion, giving the Dragons a 7-0 lead. South Jersey answered back with a try and conversion of their own with 10 minutes left in the half. A penalty occurred and O’Toole went for points. Although O’Toole missed the penalty kick, Shawn Williams raced in-goal and touched the ball down for 5 points and O’Toole connected for the conversion. To end
the half, Julio Marsiglia touched one down. O’Toole went 3/3 in the first half on conversion kicks. The halftime score was 21-7 in favor of the Dragons.

The coaches, Jason Christiansen, Alex Willouer, and Brad DeLawter, all connected with the players at halftime. The Dragons needed to keep the pressure on, score points, and play hard defense. Two minutes into the second half, Reilly put up 5 points. Because the conditions were not ideal, the ball switched hands several times and South Jersey was able to put up 10 more points. With 4 minutes left in the game, O’Toole was able to connect with a penalty kick. To put a nail in the coffin, Captain, Matt Frederick, found a line break and touched the ball down in the middle of the uprights. O’Toole went 2/2 on conversion kicks in the second half. Final score: Dragons 38 – Devils 17.

The Man of the Match went to Winger, Shawn Williams, and the Hard Hat of the Match went to Lock, Connor Dolan. Next week, the Dragons travel to Friendship Field to take on Phoenixville Whitehorse on October 5, 2024. Kickoff is set for 1:00 p.m.

Women’s Team

The Doylestown Rugby Club Women’s Team opened the season at home on September 14, 2024 against Harrisburg Women. Doylestown came up short with a 17-43 loss. The team put on a lot of pressure, but Harrisburg was able to capitalize on a few missteps by the Dragons. The try scorers for Doylestown were Lorraine Avery, Ali Dowdy, and Shana Robinson. Victoria Rasp made one conversion.

On Saturday, September 21, 2024, the Dragons traveled to play Northeast Irish. Although Doylestown lost, 17-34, the team played well, with light numbers. Try scorers for Doylestown were Madeline Kriebel, Danielle Menditto, and Gianna Calciano. Ali Dowdy made one conversion. Next up is an away match against Harrisburg on October 5, 2024.

High School Girls’ Team

The Doylestown Rugby Academy High School Girls’ Team traveled to Cumberland Valley in Harrisburg on Sunday, September 15, 2024, to play in a RugbyPA tournament. Doylestown entered two teams. Team I went 4-0 for the day against Downingtown, Knightmares, Conestoga, and Cumberland Valley. Try scorers were Leah Cipollo (5), Nolah Flynn (3), Kayla Robinson (3), Allison Beckenhauer (2), Sydney Haddon (2), Jocelyn Terry (1), and Bridget McGonigle (1). Flynn also made 9 conversions. Team II went 2-2 for the day with wins against Blackthorn and Conestoga and losses to Downingtown and Cumberland Valley. Try scorers for the day were Vivian Foley (3), MJ Cashman (3), Terra Allison Beckenhauer (2), Makenzie Harriet-Clay (2), and Fiona Pirrello (1). Fiona Bonenberger made 3 conversions and Terra Allison Beckenhauer made 1 conversion.

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